Meditation Tracks
As a Certified 200hr Meditation Teacher, with over 500k downloads, Linda's poetic and contemplative meditations, which have been featured on meditation and mindfulness apps such as Insight Timer, Ladder, and Urban Yogi, aim to support others in tapping into the holistic, intuitive, imaginistic capacities of their powerful mind, to deeply access their emotional landscape and ignite transformations that serve them. If you would like to license and use one of Linda's guided meditations on your website, app, workshop, or in-person event, or have Linda host a meditation event, please send a request via the contact form
Poetic Reflections - Insights - Meditations
If you find joy and value in what I create or inspiration in the words shared, and you would like to support the work, your donations help. Thank you for your support!
Linda’s personally penned poetic meditations support you with getting reacquainted with the most peaceful aspects of your inner self to help you cut through the habitual conditioned patterns that are responsible for holding you back. They support you in tapping into the holistic, intuitive, imaginistic capacities of your powerful mind, to deeply access your emotional landscape and ignite transformations that serve you.
You can listen to each Track ThROUGH any of the platform links below.
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In this poetic meditation you will journey into a deeper connection to your soul, a remembrance of the magic, power and wisdom it holds for you. As the words and sounds help you give space and attention to your inner essence, you are supported through letting go of any heaviness, pain or burden you are currently carrying while leaning further into the power of your soul.
Trusting the flow of our life is the ability to believe in a benevolent and loving energy that flows into our lives, works on our behalf, and serves to guide us to the deepest parts of our being despite any struggle or pain we are wrestling with. This poetic meditation is a journey back to remembering how powerful connecting to this force can be and that life doesn't have to be so hard when we allow ourselves to soften and trust
The journey into the unknown is a path that leads to an exploration of our deepest being, often fraught unnecessarily with a sense of fear. When we learn to trust the call of this journey and meet it with non-resistance, we come into an awareness that helps us better understand ourselves beyond our own limitations. This poetic meditation helps guide you to remember how supportive the journey can be when you remember this.
Allow this poetic meditation to remind you of how worthy you are of forgiving yourself. Of letting go of the idea you could have done things differently. Through self-forgiveness and self-compassion we can acknowledge and accept our shortcomings and move forward with strength, empowerment, and self-love.
In this poetic meditation, you will be reminded of the power of reclaiming and remembering who you truly are and the inherent wisdom and peace there is in tapping into this truth.
In this poetic meditation, you will be invited to step into a perspective that sees yourself through the lens of not being defined by limiting beliefs or obstacles and how this guides you to connect to your power within, your divinity, your soul.
Your truth is the essence of your spiritual nature — that is, once the mental facade has been transformed, the truth gives way to the light of your being. This poetic meditation serves to remind you of the power of your truth, how it always calls on you, to help guide you towards your authentic nature.
This poetic meditation will help you come back into your heart center, with words to support your journey back into your tenderness, to remind you of how safe you are when you connect to your deepest feelings. The place that carries your most intrinsic knowing and realigns you to the flow of life.
This poetic meditation helps ground you into a state of peaceful calm and supports the release of any heavy and stagnant energy you're feeling. You'll be taking some time here to allow words and ambient sounds to help you connect to mother nature's loving, nurturing and replenishing energy.
Let this poetic meditation shift you back into being able to invite more light into your life, to lift some of the heavy energies that have been weighing you down lately. This is a reminder that any darkness can be ignited if we believe it is possible and there is an opportunity in these experiences to explore new ways of connecting with ourselves that empower us further.